JAB Transition
- When will documents, the website, and policies be updated to reflect changes?
- How does the transition from JAB P-ATO Authorization to FedRAMP Authorization affect the client demand requirement?
- With the shift toward “One Authorization”, do the Boundary Guidance restrictions of “Non-JAB” to “JAB” data flow disappear?
- What support is FedRAMP providing during this transition?
- How will the transition impact CSPs current ConMon reviews of annual assessments, significant changes, and deviation requests?
- How does FedRAMP plan to handle future performance management issues, including corrective action plans (CAPs) and suspensions under the new model? What is the mechanism if an Agency issues a CAP?
- How will existing performance management issues, including CAPs and suspensions be handled for former JAB CSPs during the transition?
- How do I, as a customer agency, engage in multi-agency continuous monitoring?
- What is the impact to continuous monitoring activities?
- What is a designated lead agency/agencies and a designation letter?